CCTV Video Security FAQ

Crisp-LaDew, offering the latest in CCTV video security cameras in Dallas / Fort Worth and Granbury

How do I determine what cameras are needed?

There are many factors that go into determining the right camera to use.  The most common of these are

a. Location – indoor or outdoor
b. Lighting (ex. Infrared cameras for recording at night or dark warehouses)
c. Lens size (ex. wide angle lens for broad shots)
d. Budget

Crisp-Ladew Security provides trained technicians to help design the most effective system for your needs.

My work often requires me to travel; can my cameras be viewed remotely over the internet?

Most current DVR’s contain network adapters and can be programmed with either a static IP address or DNS.  This allows you to use either means to access the DVR through a VPN or anywhere you have internet access.  Most DVR’s use the latest encryption methods as well as authentications to prevent unwanted outside access.

Can I view my cameras using my Smart phone?

This depends on what DVR you are using. Many of the DVR’s installed by Crisp-Ladew support IPhone, Android, and Blackberry.  These can be used downloading the app provided by the manufacturer of the DVR.

Should I install a PC based DVR or Embedded DVR? What is the difference?

Each of these systems has benefits and drawbacks when compared to the other.

Embedded DVR are basic DVRs that run Linux code.  They are the most stable of the two and least expensive.  However they are limited in their ability to be upgraded and are usually used with analog cameras.  PC based DVRs are similar to personal computers. They usually run windows OS and can be maintained by an IT professional like most computers.  This makes them more user friendly and they can be updated and expanded.  These systems are general used in conjunction with either analog or IP cameras, and work better for larger systems.

I saw an inexpensive camera system at my local hardware store, why would I not just purchase this system?

It is very understandable in today’s economy to want to save money, and this may be what you choose. Crisp-Ladew, however, desires to provide their customers with quality equipment the will last them for years.  Most inexpensive systems found in stores do not meet this requirement, and have short life spans.

How many days will my DVR store video?

The amount of storage a DVR has can vary greatly.  There are a few factors to consider when purchasing a DVR that can increase storage such as

a. FPS (Frames per Second) – you can adjust the record rate to record fewer frames which decreases the flow of the video but increases storage.
b. Motion recording – DVRs can be set to record only when movement is detected. This reduces the amount of storage used because you are not recording dead air space.
c. Hard Drive – DVRs come with different size hard drives and in some cases external hard drives can be added at any time.

Crisp-Ladew can work with you on these factors to optimize the length of you stored video.

Should I purchase traditional analog cameras or IP (network based) cameras?

With today’s technology both types of cameras have high quality pictures.  Often times IP cameras have a clearer picture when used indoors, and work well for lose prevention.  Your budget would probably be the deciding factor.  IP cameras and PC based DVRs are more expensive. However, if you already have a good network infrastructure with capable speed the labor and wiring cost will be much less.  Crisp-Ladew is happy to provide a qualified technician to help engineer what is best for your facility.

Is your system proprietary?

Crisp-Ladew stands by the quality of their work, thus they do not feel that is necessary to retain customers by using equipment others cannot work with.  If a customer desires to use a certain brand we are happy to work with them, but in general our systems are not proprietary.

Can you work with my existing system or do I have to start with a new install?

Yes. We are willing to work with what you have.

I have color cameras, however when I review my video sometimes the recording is black and white. Why?

Usually this is because of the type of camera you are using.  A true Day/Night camera will switch from color to black and white when the level of lighting is low.  Black and white pictures require less light to provide a clear distinct picture, giving you better coverage at night.

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