Crisp-LaDew, has been protecting the good names of companies in Dallas Fort Worth and throughout Texas since 1933. We love paying tribute to our past, but the future and the technology advancements in fire protection are what really have us excited. This is happening now.
We are leading the charge in bringing the latest and greatest in fire and life safety protection technology to our clients. The most recent is with commercial wireless fire alarms, where we have harnessed this technology and we have ramped up wireless with our clients. In 2014 Crisp-LaDew became an authorized dealer of CWSI Wireless Fire Alarm Systems. CWSI has spent the past 30 years developing and perfecting commercial wireless fire alarm technology. CWSI’s wireless line of fire protection products are superior quality and rated as among the best in the industry. Through our licensing agreement in North Texas, we are offering sales and service on the CWSI’s complete line of wireless fire alarm systems. We are 100% CWSI Certified meaning we can handle service, installation, and repairs on all CWSI products. Crisp-LaDew is one of only a few companies in Dallas Fort Worth that CWSI chose for North Texas.
CWSI Advanced Technology
The CWSI wireless fire alarm product line offers system versatility like none other. Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Technology (FHSS), coupled with Bi-directional RF Communication, Repeater Network Architecture and 200 Second Supervisory Polling, provides for the industry’s most secure and reliable wireless fire alarm network.
Wireless Fire Protection Products Now Available with Crisp-LaDew
• Commercial fire alarm systems. New technology supports up to 1024 addressable devices and repeaters while providing true network operation and communication.
• Remote annunciators.
• Repeaters and wireless relay boxes.
• Fire transmitters.
• Manual fire alarm pull stations with built in transmitters.
• Low frequency sounder for smoke detection. The effective and economic solution for applications requiring low frequency compliance.
Wireless fire alarms; what makes them so great?
The wireless equipment has proven its value when it comes to underground wiring. Expensive and labor intensive underground wiring is a thing of the past thanks to CWSI’s advanced wireless technology. This provides our clients with significant savings on labor costs for trenching and not to mention the benefits of eliminating ground faults, surge protectors, service calls and wiring issues after a hard lightning storm. CWSI’s wireless fire alarm systems are impervious to lightning damage. This is major for apartment buildings, dorms, hotels and industrial multi-building sites.
Wireless also has a very big advantage in retro-fit applications. Particularly the outdated hotels that still have the original 30-year-old fire alarm system that needs a major upgrade. Wireless smoke detectors make it a breeze and the system can be installed with the original system never having to be down. This is a completely seamless process where you are never unprotected. No downtime in the hotel rooms as no wiring is involved. As you can see there are numerous applications where the end user can benefit from going wireless. It is good for everyone, allowing old systems to be upgraded, and making buildings safer for the public.
CO detection systems are also a breeze as CWSI has the wireless carbon monoxide detector. With CO detection legislature changes on the rise due to numerous accidental deaths, having this wireless option is a highly strategic advantage to keep expenses low and operations under normal procedure.
Contact us today to talk more about going wireless in your facilities. Crisp-Ladew is your wireless fire protection source, your one stop shop for all modern wireless systems and services by CWSI.